ORENCIA IV is administered by a health care professional using an IV, which means that the medicine is given to you through a needle placed in a vein in your arm. It takes about 30 minutes to get the full dose of medicine. ORENCIA IV can be given at an infusion clinic – to find an infusion clinic near you, please use our CLINIC FINDER.


Dosing: You will receive your first dose of ORENCIA IV followed by additional doses at 2 and 4 weeks after the first dose. You will then receive a dose every 4 weeks.

Missed a dose? If you miss your regularly scheduled dose of ORENCIA, call your rheumatologist to discuss when your next dose should be administered.

and your ORP

Call the ORP at 1-877-979-3200 should you have any questions about your ORENCIA IV treatment and speak with a live representative today!